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Cuanto Vale El Apotema In 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

Medida de la Apotema de Polígonos Regulares Área YouTube
Medida de la Apotema de Polígonos Regulares Área YouTube from www.youtube.com

Are you looking for information on cuanto vale el apotema? Look no further. In this article, we will explore the concept of apotema and its value in various geometric shapes. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of cuanto vale el apotema and how to calculate it.

What is Apotema?

Apotema is a term used in geometry to describe the distance between the center of a regular polygon and its sides. It is represented by the letter 'a' and is measured in units of length. The value of apotema varies depending on the shape of the polygon.

Apotema of a Regular Polygon

In a regular polygon, all sides are equal in length, and all angles are equal in measure. The apotema of a regular polygon can be calculated using the formula:

a = s/2tan(π/n)

Where 's' is the length of each side of the polygon, 'n' is the number of sides, and 'π' is pi, approximately equal to 3.14. The value of 'a' will be in the same units as 's'.


Let's say we have a regular hexagon with a side length of 5cm. We can calculate the apotema using the formula:

a = 5/2tan(π/6)

Using a calculator, we can find that tan(π/6) is approximately 0.577. Plugging in the values, we get:

a = 5/2(0.577) ≈ 1.44cm

So the apotema of the regular hexagon with a side length of 5cm is approximately 1.44cm.

Apotema of a Circle

A circle can also be considered a regular polygon with an infinite number of sides. The apotema of a circle is equal to its radius, which is half the diameter. Therefore, the apotema of a circle can be calculated using the formula:

a = r

Where 'r' is the radius of the circle.


Let's say we have a circle with a diameter of 10cm. We can find the radius by dividing the diameter by 2:

r = 10/2 = 5cm

So the apotema of the circle with a diameter of 10cm is 5cm.

Apotema of a Square

A square is a special case of a regular polygon with four sides of equal length and four right angles. The apotema of a square can be calculated using the formula:

a = s/2

Where 's' is the length of each side of the square.


Let's say we have a square with a side length of 6cm. We can calculate the apotema using the formula:

a = 6/2 = 3cm

So the apotema of the square with a side length of 6cm is 3cm.

Apotema of a Regular Octagon

An octagon is a regular polygon with eight sides of equal length and eight equal angles. The apotema of a regular octagon can be calculated using the formula:

a = s(1 + √2)/2

Where 's' is the length of each side of the octagon.


Let's say we have a regular octagon with a side length of 7cm. We can calculate the apotema using the formula:

a = 7(1 + √2)/2 ≈ 8.84cm

So the apotema of the regular octagon with a side length of 7cm is approximately 8.84cm.


In conclusion, cuanto vale el apotema depends on the shape of the polygon. The value of apotema can be calculated using various formulas depending on the shape of the polygon. We explored the apotema of a regular polygon, circle, square, and regular octagon. By using the formulas provided in this article, you can easily calculate the apotema of any regular polygon.

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